Разузнаването на Британия счита екс-лидера на Лейбъристите за агент на СССР

Службата за външно разузнаване на Великобритания счита, че бившият лидер на Лейбъристката партия в страната Майкъл Фут  (1913—2010) е бил осведомител на СССР.
Това съобщава The Times, позовавайки се на част от книгата на Бен Макинтайър
 Spy and the Traitor («Шпионин и предател»).

The Times of London


Foot had been regarded by Moscow as an “agent of influence”; someone who could be “fed pro-Soviet ideas, and reproduce them in articles and speeches” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/leader-of-the-opposition-known-to-the-kgb-as-agent-boot-s88b98ztg 

Leader of the opposition known to the KGB as Agent Boot

It was on the Danish coast in 1977 that Oleg Gordievsky was first told by a KGB colleague that “a fiery Labour MP named Michael Foot” had been cultivated by the agency during the 1960s. Foot had…


The Times of London


While Foot had not been a “spy or conscious agent” he had been used for disinformation purposes by the Soviet Union