OIR Spokesman ✔@OIRSpox U.S. conducted strikes against two technical vehicles that we were assessed to be posing a threat to #Coalition forces at At-Tanf garrison. Въздушният удар е третата атака на коалицията на САЩ по сирийските проправителствени сили.
U.S. conducted strikes against two technical vehicles that we were assessed to be posing a threat to #Coalition forces at At-Tanf garrison.
OIR Spokesman ✔@OIRSpox Today was the third set of kinetic strikes the U.S. conducted in response to threats posed to #Coalition forces operating out of At Tanf.
Today was the third set of kinetic strikes the U.S. conducted in response to threats posed to #Coalition forces operating out of At Tanf.
OIR Spokesman ✔@OIRSpox U.S. conducted strikes against two technical vehicles that we were assessed to be posing a threat to #Coalition forces at At-Tanf garrison. На 6 юни се съобщи, че коалицията, начело със САЩ, е нанесла удар по проправителствените сили в Сирия в Ат-Танф.
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